knottygirl's Profile
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Joined: 8 years ago
Last Login: 8 years ago
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Connect with knottygirl
Name: Freyja
About: I am experienced in K9 - has a short run with Gaia Gold but was studying so didn't have enough time for it so dropped it, kinda regret it was on my way to loads of fun. I'm back from EU now and ready to get started again. PPL with big K9 please contact me for K9 fun! ;) - It's me in the pic; I have many nice pics, I don't partake in Skype for security reasons considering what I am into. Please don't contact me if you are not into K9 fun, I am not interested in random sex with men, here ONLY for K9 fun!
Gender: Female
Birth Date: Freyja
Country: Canada
City: East Coast
Turn Offs: cigarette smoke!